Category: Blog

  • ~Humans of Yabu ~ Nishigaki Kenji 西垣憲志

    Nishigaki Kenji is the head of the Inaka Gurashi Club, a general incorporated association with a mission to support and encourage rural living in Yabu City. Formerly an art teacher Mr. Nishigaki decided to switch careers in his mid 40’s to start up a design company, but not finding success, he eventually began this group…

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  • Kyushoku – Pridefully Rooted in Yabu City

    Kyushoku – Pridefully Rooted in Yabu City

    In Japan kyushoku, or school lunches are part of the norm for the majority of elementary school students. The Kyushoku produced in Yabu City is truly impressive and strives to use at least 30% locally made produce with a team of nutritionists who create a monthly menu of well-balanced meals focused on including components of…

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  • Asakura Sansho a Magical Spice Grown in Yabu

    Asakura Sansho a Magical Spice Grown in Yabu

    Asakura Sansho is a Japanese pepper grown locally in Yabu City of Hyogo Prefecture. The pepper has a numbing sensation like the Chinese Sichuan pepper, but has fresh citrusy undertones giving it a refreshing taste. The pepper contains more limonene, an active citrus ingredient, than any other sansho pepper and is also known for its…

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